Humans of Crossroads

Incredible stories of how God is working in the lives of people around Crossroads.

Faith and community has guided me through losing my wife
Humans of Crossroads

Faith and community has guided me through losing my wife

When I went to college, I became best friends with Heidi. We were friends for 10 years before I finally asked her on a date and then we got married when I was 30. We had an amazing marriage. We had two beautiful kids – Claire and Spencer – and...

GO Alabama taught me and changed me
Humans of Crossroads

GO Alabama taught me and changed me

I was a volunteer lead on one of the GO Alabama trips last November. Because I had served on other GO trips, I didn’t expect to be as wrecked and challenged as I was. Oh my gosh, I was wrong. Despite going through UNDIVIDED three times, I was still completely...

We prayed for a baby for months and God performed miracles
Humans of Crossroads

We prayed for a baby for months and God performed miracles

After we had been trying to conceive for a year, I learned that my previous diagnosis of PCOS wasn’t accurate and that in fact I had a very low egg count. At 30 years old my count was more in line with a 40-50 year old woman. We were told...

God stopped me in my tracks as I was working and it changed my life
Humans of Crossroads

God stopped me in my tracks as I was working and it changed my life

I started working as a security contractor for Crossroads in January 2021. I was just doing a typical, regular job and watching the crowd during a talk about pride from Chuck one weekend in February or March when something just hit me in the back of the head and said,...

Reconnecting with God brought hope when I was hopeless
Humans of Crossroads

Reconnecting with God brought hope when I was hopeless

I was raised in the church, but around 27 years old my faith slowly got pushed under everything else I was going through. I experienced abusive relationships, lost my job and my car, and I was forced to sell my home before I lost that, too. In the middle of...