


90% of people who sign up for a GO Trip are unsure of how they'll pay for it. And yet nearly every single person in the history of trips has been able to raise money and GO. Even if you do have spare money laying around, you should still raise support for your trip! Here's why:

It gives others the chance to GO with you.

You'll be amazed at how many of your friends and family will want to be a part of you changing the world. Even if you have the cash, ask others. It actually honors them.

It builds your faith.

Trusting God to provide is a tangible way to take a step of faith. Give Him the chance to show off.

It makes YOU more generous.

You'll never forget that friend or family member who generously gave to your trip. For whatever reason, generosity creates more generosity. It inspires. You'll come away from the experience wanting to be more generous personally. Win win.

It honors the people we serve.

Asking others to support you raises awareness of global issues. We want more people to be as disgusted as we are about injustice. Raising support raises awareness.

Fundraising Tips & Ideas

Write a letter

By far the most effective tool for fundraising is a personalized letter to people you know well. Tell them the story of when, where, and why you're going, and invite them to join you. (Pro Tip: including a QR code that links to your support page is a simple way to help them find where to give. Google “free QR code generator.”)

Send an email

Same as above, just the digital version. But beware, fewer and fewer people are responding to email these days. Snail mail might work better.

Host an event

Invite people to yoga in the park. Birdwatching. Photography or cooking class. Whatever your skills, use them to create an event that encourages people to donate to attend!

Host a dinner party

Suggest a donation amount and invite friends and family to dinner. Share about the trip, what you'll be doing while there, the partners you're working with, and what you're most excited about. (Pro Tip: pasta or tacos can make big inexpensive meals.)

Babysitting / Dogsitting

The only thing people love more than their kids are their pets. Offer babysitting or pet-sitting services. It's nuts what people will pay to have a night out and know their kids or fur babies are cared for.

Post a 30-30-3 challenge on social

Use this: “Hey friends. Help me do the 30-30-3 Challenge! I'm looking to get $30 from 30 people in the next 3 days to get me all the way to South Africa (that's 8,383 miles or an 18-hour flight. Wow.). Will you accept the challenge? Go to (paste your support raising link). Much love and gratitude!”

Give up your birthday

Let others know that instead of any type of gift, you're giving up your birthday and only want donations to your trip. Tell them why you're going and how excited you are.

Local restaurant support

Some restaurants might be willing to have a GO Trip night where a percentage of sales go toward your trip. It's worth asking!

Wine/beer tasting

Contact your local wine or beer merchant to see if they can offer any discounts.

Ask your boss

Many employers do charitable matching. Ask yours. Sometimes the best donations come from the most unexpected places.

Sell some stuff

Hello Facebook Marketplace. You could even ask your friends to donate items for you to sell. You can also make stuff and give it to people that donate - think mugs or shirts. Check out Fund the Nations, Etsy, and Cafe Press online.

Do a Walk-A-Thon

Collect pledges, estimate how many miles you will walk or run, and encourage folks to join you for part of your walk. And always give an option for a one-time donation in case people want to make a quick, easy contribution.

Side Hustle

Find odd jobs, babysitting, dog-walking, or freelance work to help supplement your trip cost. You can let the people you work for know that 100% of their money is going to your trip.

Social Media

Post on your own page, community pages, bible study pages, etc. You may be surprised at how total strangers may be inspired to support you financially. But the key is to tell your story with the posts. Keep it concise and be authentic.

Your Spiritual
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