Natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods have recently devastated communities in the Caribbean. People have lost homes, livelihoods, and even their loved ones. In addition, poverty, unemployment, and limited access to education and healthcare have disproportionately affected vulnerable populations including women, children, and indigenous communities.

But there is hope. As a part of a GO Trip in the Caribbean, you’ll work with local partners to provide resources for disaster relief and reconstruction, help support sustainable economic development, and help build education and healthcare infrastructure.

Take A Trip

Where We Go

What We Do

The Work

At Risk Communities

One out of every eight humans are considered “at risk”. Ignored or oppressed, fighting a battle with extreme poverty or decimated by natural disasters, they often lack access to basic needs. Forgotten people. “Someone else’s” responsibility. In other words, exactly the people that Jesus told us to serve. So we roll up our sleeves and get to work. We’ve established partnerships and true friendships, and now we’re seeing real change in the communities where God has called us.

Your Spiritual
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