Wayfinder Resources /

The Wayfinder Cheat Sheet

The life and teachings of Jesus are broken down into five categories. Here’s a quick overview and the verses that go along with them. Get familiar with these so that when people share struggles, you have more perspective for what might be beneath it.

Spiritual Identity Relational Health Physical Resources Biblical Truth Financial Freedom

Spiritual Identity

Believing the Bible and conforming our lives to the image of Jesus

  • Regularly growing in relationship with God: hearing his voice and responding, receiving his love, following his direction, repenting when we’re off base, pursuing two-way conversation
  • Believing in the character of God: that he’s for our good, that he means what he says, that we can rely on him and trust him for care, healing, provision, intimacy and purpose
  • Having confidence in spiritual identity: knowing who you are, feeling God’s favor and love, having a presence of power and peace through the Holy Spirit
  • Humble confidence and courage to let God engage the deepest parts of us, make us fully new, even when that means facing something painful or scary, or when it means letting go of something we cherish
  • Growing in spiritual authority when it comes to spiritual gifts and warfare; being active on God’s behalf when it comes to speaking up, serving humbly, giving, believing in supernatural miracles and more
  • Committing our life to introducing more people to God, personally maturing and helping others grow in maturity through teaching, discipling, serving, and more
  • Recognizing there is an enemy: noticing his schemes, getting free from his lies, intentionally choosing God and truth instead, being diligent to break off sin patterns and fighting back through prayer, repentance, worship, action, and faith
  • Exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit. Living gratefully and humbly in a way that’s attractive to others

Relational Health

Treating others the way Jesus did by prioritizing love (via grace and truth) as our highest value

  • The ability to trust others, forgive, be forgiven. Being an advocate for unity, and choosing to fight for it when needed.
  • Respecting others regardless of different choices, lifestyles, beliefs, and conflict. Believing everyone is worthy of high regard, compassion, and being heard and loved.
  • The art of being vulnerable and wise (not overly defended living like you have to protect yourself all the time, or living overly exposed giving yourself away or over to the mercy of others without boundaries)
  • Having friendships where you are deeply known and that are mutually beneficial, which will include vulnerability, genuine care, serving, listening, humility, encouragement, kindness and respect
  • Viewing others with respect, not seeing yourself above or below anyone else, learning to live without envy, comparison, pride, or insecurity
  • Intentionally pursuing relationships with people further along than you spiritually and with those you could lead spiritually with the goal of looking more like Jesus
  • Being committed to growing more skilled in difficult conversations, truth-telling, truth-receiving, conflict and encouragement

Physical Resources

Following God’s design for how we treat our body and the hours of the day

  • Taking care of our body through being intentional about nutrition, sleep, and exercise
  • Believing God’s truth about our identity when it comes to body image over the world’s messages about how appearance determines our worth
  • Leveraging our time well to make the most of our lives: putting big rocks in first like God, rest, and family first, not overscheduling ourselves
  • Depending on God to heal us: from turning to him instead of numbing ourselves with screens or substances on an everyday basis, to trusting him to heal us in times of deep sickness or health scares
  • Believing the biblical design of sex: protecting sexual activity just for marriage and submitting our preferences, beliefs, and instincts to his design
  • Intentionally creating the margin to rest, being wise in how we spend time without overwhelming ourselves, and being spontaneous in the moment if God redirects our day
  • Fasting: intentionally spending a period of time depriving our bodies of food or other habitual experiences to instead trust more in God

Biblical Truth

Renewing our mind to sync up with God

Financial Freedom

Using your resources the way Jesus would with the heart he had

  • Having a genuinely generous heart, feeling cheerful (think Santa) about benefiting others even at a cost to ourselves
  • Viewing our money, assets, savings and even income potential as a Kingdom resource, being intentional and thoughtful with how we use them
  • Believing all we have is God’s and is only temporarily ours to manage on his behalf
  • Surrendering all our choices about money to God and however he leads
  • Caring for the poor. Believing poverty is a problem requiring all of us and choosing to engage
  • Tithing 10% of our income to God as an act of trust and obedience
  • Living beyond the moment, thinking generationally about the financial choices we make