Community Care

We believe in looking after each other.

We think that looks like community caretaking plus triage. We rely on the small communities we can build around ourselves to be our main support. But we also have a need for volunteers whose gifts include a capacity to listen, pray, celebrate weddings, suggest referrals, visit the sick or help intervene during crises.

Chapel Assistants

We love serving couples and families with weddings and funerals in the Crossroads Chapels. Our team helps with logistics, music, a/v and anything else a family may need for their event. Email Dawn Satterwhite to receive more information.

Build into Marriages

We’re looking for married couples to volunteer as table facilitators during our pre-marital class. You must be passionate about marriage and would love building into engaged couples. It doesn’t matter how long you have been married or how many times. The first step is to attend the class as an “auditor.” Find out more information here.

Prayer Team Volunteer Roles

There is a Weekend Prayer Team at each site. This team is passionate about what happens on the weekend and is excited about supporting that with prayer. When praying with others, we make no assumptions of where people are spiritually. We pray using simple, everyday language and model that prayer is simply talking to God like you would talk to anyone else.

A few things to know before joining the prayer team:

–If you’re still trying to figure out who Jesus is, great! We’re glad you’re a part of Crossroads but the prayer team probably isn’t the place for you.

–The prayer team involves a higher commitment than most serving teams around here. We require people volunteer for about six months in another role, before joining our team.

Click Here to apply for the Prayer Team.

Officiate Weddings & Celebration of Life Services If you have experience in officiating weddings and/or funerals, you may be able to serve in meeting the many needs in our community. While we do offer some training, we expect that volunteers for this team will have significant experience officiating services, comforting grieving families, and publicly sharing their faith and hope in Jesus in front of large groups. If you have an interest, please send an e-mail to