Confidentiality and Security

You can feel safe using our website.

Our site uses industry-standard SSL technology to ensure that the information you enter is kept secure from prying eyes. In addition, all sensitive information that we keep in our database is stored in encrypted form so that it is not human-readable. If you receive a message saying that the sites’ security was not recognized, that means your computer’s list of Certificate Authorities is not current, and you should update your operating system software. In the meantime, it’s still safe to use The message is just a warning to make you aware of the situation.

Crossroads will not send you email spam. While we may occasionally use your information to contact you, Crossroads does not buy, sell, barter, trade or otherwise distribute your information to any organization other than for the purposes you’ve given us permission to do so (i.e. we have to tell the credit card company your name in order to charge your credit card).

Financial Data Crossroads views your financial information as worthy of top-notch security and we take many steps to protect this information. We start by choosing an industry-recognized payment processor who processes all of our financial transactions. Our processor maintains PCI Service Provider Level 1 status in accordance with PCI Data Security Standards v3.2. It also complies with NACHA Rules, which specify that we cannot allow ACH payments to be processed unless they have been authorized by the owner of the bank account.

Crossroads does not store nor transmit any of your payment information through our servers nor store it in our database. Even though you may enter financial information on, we neither store nor transmit any Credit Card or Bank account/routing information. All Card information is processed solely by the aforementioned third party processor.

Since we do not store or transmit Card/Bank data, we are not required to hold PCI compliance. However, we value secure systems and have chosen to put security procedures in place to increase the security of and our community member’s data. We work with a PCI Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) to regularly scan our systems and are made aware of any security vulnerabilities.

We welcome suggestions on how we can improve the security of our systems as well as improve the user experience of Email