Live an adventurous life by giving someone else a lift through Compassion International

Sponsor A Child Today

Sponsor a Crossroads Compassion Child

Over the past few years, Crossroads has partnered with Compassion International to sponsor thousands of kids in Nicaragua, Bolivia and Guatemala. Hundreds have traveled to both countries, built relationships with their sponsors, served alongside our new friends and encountered God.

Sponsor a child in Nicaragua 

Compassion International FAQs

How much is it to sponsor a child?
$43 per month. This is done via credit card. All financial transactions are run through Compassion. Crossroads does not set the cost, touch the money, nor handle the credit card information. All funds go directly to Compassion International to support the child. For more information, visit

I have a problem with the sponsorship that I filled out during services (credit card, address, etc.)
All issues with sponsorships should be taken up with Compassion International through the "contact us" function at or by calling 800-336-7676. Crossroads has no possession of sponsorship forms that were filled out and unfortunately cannot help in any way.

I already sponsor a child through Compassion International in another country, does that count as part of the Crossroads initiative?
First, thank you so much. You are changing that child’s life! Our Crossroads initiative is in Nicaragua so, unfortunately, children outside of Nicaragua do not count as part of this effort. That being said, please do not drop a previously sponsored child in another country to sponsor a “Crossroads’ child.” This is about changing the lives of kids in poverty, not reaching a big number. Your sponsored child is counting on you. Please remain as someone they can rely upon.

How long is the commitment?
Compassion's Child Sponsorship Program allows you to stay with your child until they reach the age of 18 to 22, depending on the country.
We hope you’ll be able to support your sponsored child until he or she completes the program, but we recognize that circumstances sometimes change. You may discontinue your sponsorship at any time.
Please understand that a child’s circumstances may change, too. For example, sometimes families move beyond the reach of our program.
We’ll inform you if any such circumstance affects the child you sponsor, and we’ll offer you the opportunity to support another child in need of your help.

Can I sponsor more than one child?
Yes! You can sponsor as many as you would like. Please keep in mind that this commitment is until the child is 18. As long as you're good with that, sponsor away.

Can I choose which country my child is in?
Crossroads is focused on sponsoring every child in need of sponsorship in Nicaragua and Guatemala. Crossroads would love for you to come along side and choose a child in one of these two countries to make this dream a reality. But if you would like a different country you can go to and then click the country where you would like to sponsor.

Can I choose my child?
Yes, you can go to and view the children that are available to sponsor.

What benefits does the child receive?
Compassion child development provides assistance in 4 holistic areas: 1. Education 2. Health assistance 3. Relational growth opportunities 4. Ongoing Christian Discipleship

Can I pay a year in advance?
Yes. You can pay as many months in advance as you wish today. Pay in $43 increments. For instance: 12 months X $43 = $516. Just fill in the blank.

Can I change the date when the money is taken out each month?
Yes. Call Compassion or make the change after you set up ‘my account’ on the website once your sponsorship is confirmed.

How much money goes to the child?
A min of 80% goes to the child’s development. Currently, based on fluctuating dollar 81.7% goes for the child’s development.

How many letters can I write?
As many as you like. This is an opportunity for you to speak into this child’s life, not a pen pal opportunity. Once your account is setup you can go to to set up MY ACCOUNT. You write letters & manage your account there. OR Download the COMPASSION APP on iTunes.

Will my child write to me?
Yes. Each child is required to write twice a year & send a ‘thank you’ letter for any monetary gift over $50. Young children will be in the learning process.

How long before I receive my first child letter?
Usually 2-4 months.

May I send gifts to my child?
Only monetary gifts can be sent through Compassion in the form of a Child GIFT, BDAY GIFT or FAMILY GIFT. Since most all of these children do not have a mailing address, material gifts other than letters cannot be sent.