Before Healthcare Getaway


  • Mindset
    This is not a "sit and get" retreat. It's an adventure that we're all going to share. It's going to be great! This weekend is about boosting your mood, providing space and time to get out of your normal rhythms and connect with God and others who "get it".
  • Spiritually
    Be open to what God is saying to you this weekend. Even if you don't believe in God or Jesus, this weekend will benefit you spiritually if you have a growth mindset.
  • Primitive Camping
    This is a primitive camping weekend, which means there won't be any running water or widely available electricity at your campsite. We will have portalets, potable water, and plenty of firewood. You can pitch a tent, hang a hammock, or camp out of your vehicle. Unfortunately our campground license does not allow RVs. Primitive camping is a useful tool to get you out of your comfort zone but by no means do we want you to suffer..."Glamp it up" if that's your style!
  • Check-in
    Upon arrival, we'll check you in from your car window using our registration app and hand you some materials. Easy Peasy.
  • Campfire Unit (8-10 people)
    This getaway doesn't require you to connect with a group of people beforehand who you'll be camping with. It is, however, structured in a way that you'll be connecting with others around the fire and during meals. You can invite other healthcare workers to join you and form a Unit or you can simply show up solo. We've got a plan to help form a campfire unit onsite...even if you’re an introvert, we promise it won't be anywhere near as painful as your last employer "team-building" activity.


  • Arrive on Saturday morning 9-10am or Friday 4-6:30 pm
    Friday night camping is optional. There won't be any programming but you can get a jump start on the weekend and lengthen your "time off". If you'll be arriving on Saturday, please do so no later than 10:00am.

Communications and Emergencies

  • We're "Off the Grid" during HEALTHCARE GETAWAY
    Plan to leave your phone off and in your vehicle.
    • If there’s an emergency at home:
      You can be reached if someone calls the EMERGENCY NUMBER: 513-697-2468. We will come find you.
    • If there's an emergency at HEALTHCARE GETAWAY:
      We’ll have first aid medical supplies onsite and a designated response team notified.

What to Pack

    Two main ideas: keep yourself dry, and dress in layers. Extra socks, a jacket for night, a rain layer, etc. You'll also want sturdy boots, or something rugged enough to handle hiking in the woods all day.
    You pretty much just need Wet Wipes (for cleaning up without water) and a small towel (like a shammy, just in case). A toothbrush and toothpaste is sort of optional. Don't bother with a razor.
  • FOOD
    We’ll supply dinner on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. Beyond that, you'll need to bring your own—Breakfast and lunch on Saturday and lunch on Sunday. Bring food that can be stored without refrigeration, and that doesn't need a whole lot of prep time (unless you're a campfire gourmet chef). Clif Bars, jerky, cheese and crackers are all great options.
    Make sure you get ahold of all of this stuff:
    • Tent
    • Sleeping bag and extra blankets
    • Sleeping pad to go under your sleeping bag (don't skip this!)
    • Pillow
    • Clothing for two days. (Light colored, non-cotton is best)
    • Swimsuit (Trust us, you'll want to have one just in case)
    • Headlamp, lantern, or flashlight
    • Camping chair. (You’ll use it for main sessions, meals, and firetime)
    • Plate and utensils
    • Cup(s) for coffee/soda/water/beer/wine
    • Lighter or waterproof matches
    • Trash bag(s)
    Bring this if you have it, and if you have room.
    • Sunglasses
    • Pain reliever
    • Allergy meds
    • Sunscreen
    • Instant coffee
    • Dehydrated food
    • Jetboil or similar cooking system
    • Multi-tool
    • Tarp with rope/bungee cords
    • Earplugs
    • Don’t bring a gun.
    • Don’t bring explosives.

Sample Checklist

  • Clothing
  • Water resistant shoes or boots
  • Rain jacket
  • Warm layer
  • Swimsuit
  • Sunglasses
  • Earplugs
  • Headlamp
  • Utensils
  • Plate
  • Cup for hot drinks
  • Water bottle
  • Wet wipes
  • Tooth Brush / tooth paste
  • Medications
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray
  • Tent or hammock (double check that poles and stakes are with you)
  • Tarp
  • String, rope, bungees
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping pad
  • Camp Chair
  • Jetboil or similar cooking system
  • Cooler (label it for drop off/pick up)
  • Football
  • Water guns
  • Battery operated fan
  • Fire Starters
  • Trash Bag

Camping 101

  • How to make the most of your camping experience.
    • Moisture is the enemy of comfort. Keep that in mind as you make choices. There are no dryers. What gets wet, stays wet. What is wet is cold and miserable.
    • Sleep naked in your bag, especially if it is super cold. Your sleeping bag will work much better if you don’t sleep clothed. (Seriously, it’s designed to use your body heat to warm the bag.) DISCLAIMER - there’s about as many opinions on this as there are people in this world. Bottom Line: do what works for you. If that means getting into your bag fully clothed, great.
    • Wear good water resistant or waterproof shoes/boots.
    • Have a couple of wet wipes with you at all times or close by. Sometimes nature calls when we least expect it.
    • If it is super cold, a Nalgene bottle filled with hot water (heated by jetboil or a pot on the fire) will make your sleeping bag super comfy. Just heat the water, dump it in the Nalgene (close the lid tightly) and throw that into the foot of your bag when you get in. Don’t do this until you are 100% ready to go to sleep, you want to soak up as much heat as possible. Don’t heat a plastic bottle or a bottle with a plastic closure by the fire. It could easily develop a leak and your bag will be wet and miserable all night.
    • Pro-tip: Throw the clothes you’re going to wear in the morning into the bottom of your bag too (not between you and the Nalgene). They will help keep the heat in the bag and they will be toasty for the morning. Remember, DO NOT WEAR THEM TO SLEEP.
    • If it is going to rain or snow, Cotton is the enemy. Denim is only slightly better. Wear synthetic items if possible.
    • Do not place your tents super close to the fire. Sparks can reach them but heat cannot. Sparks can ruin a tent quickly.
    • Always stake the tent down (even if it isn’t windy).
    • Always put on the rainfly securely (even if it doesn’t look like rain).
    • Always keep the doors zipped shut unless you are actively accessing the tent. You don’t want to sleep with all sorts of critters and bugs.
    • Always place your tent on the most level ground you can find. The ground will not be level so place the “head” of your bedroll at the highest point.
    • Locate your headlamp and have it with you before dark.
    • Make sure that anything you bring (clothes, gear, etc) is as versatile and multi-functional as possible. It is much better to bring 5 things than to bring 25 things.
    • Don’t put food inside your tent unless you want a nighttime visitor with paws. Most tents have a “vestibule” which is a spot covered by the rainfly outside of the sleeping area where you can store items.
    • Put all trash into a trash bag immediately. Things will blow around and get scattered very quickly.
    • If you go to bed first, put in your earplugs. Tents do not block sound. The rest of your group should not be expected to get super quiet since you chose to call it a night.